Huntington bank hours

What are Huntington bank hours of operation near my location? When does Huntington bank is open / closed? Huntington bank is one of the largest banks, the bank offers all banking solutions for small / large businesses and for individuals, including online banking services. On this page you can find info about the opening hours of Huntington bank today, on Sunday, and on each day of the week.

Huntington Bank Hours

Huntington bank hours of operation

Most of Huntington banks are open as such:

  • Monday: 9:00am – 04:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am – 04:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am – 04:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am – 04:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am – 06:00pm
  • Saturday: 9:00am – 01:00pm
  • Sunday: Closed

Huntington bank holiday hours

Huntington bank is closed on most holidays, they are open on New Year’s Eve  and the opening hours are as normal.

The bank is open on New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Christmas Day and on Christmas Eve they will be closed earlier.

Huntington bank giant eagle hours

Here you can see what are huntington bank in giant eagle hours of operation.

  • Monday: 9:00am – 08:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am – 08:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am – 08:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am – 08:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am – 08:00pm
  • Saturday: 9:00am – 05:00pm
  • Sunday: 11:00am – 04:00pm

Huntington bank sunday hours

In some places, Huntington bank is closed on Sunday, and in some places they are open 11:00 AM – 04:00 PM.

You can view the most up-to-date business hours of the bank at, find the closest bank to your location to see their regular and holiday hours.

Huntington bank locations

Here you can find the nearest Huntington bank to you now using a map.

View on Google

Huntington bank customer service hours and phone number

Using the instructions on this page, you can find a bank nearby to view their customer service hours.

The main phone number to contact the customer support of the bank is +1 616-355-8828, you can call to this number to get support by phone.

If you need more information please contact us, note that you can see what are Wells Fargo bank opening hours here, and other banks business hours and contact information can be found on this website as well.