About us

Welcome to What Hours! This website is the place to go when you want to find information about the working hours of businesses and institutes such as banks or pizza nearby your location.

Our mission

Our mission is to help you locate the opening hours around you. We are updating this website weekly with some new information about times of operation.

What we do

We provide articles with information such as when things are open and what are the business hours of different stores nearby.

Why we do it

We want to help any searcher find answers quickly as possible with regarding to opening and closing hours of local businesses.

It’s all for you

The site has been created for visitors all around the world. We are doing our best to provide support. If you need help or got any questions, you can always contact us.

The hours…

This site is the “hours-finder” because here you can find all of the hours of operations, and you can easily use this site on a mobile device or on your desktop.

Let’s connect

If you are a business owner, you can add your business working hours details to this website via the contact page.


Since the opening hours of stores are changing from time to time, the information that we provide on this site might not be accurate and you can use it on your own risk.

Improve this site

Please let us know if you’ve found a mistake on this site so we could fix it as soon as possible.

All rights reserved to What Hours.

What Hours